Craft Adhesives

CraftMedley . CMD Craft Medley Glue and Sealer Glossy 4oz

Craft Medley Glue: 4oz All-In-One Glue/Sealer/Finish Non-Toxic 118ml - Gloss Waterbased Sealer, Glue and Finish all in one, ideal for paper mache, decoupage, collages, as a puzzle sealer, home decorating projects and much more.

Plaid (crafts) . PLD Mod Podge Outdoor Finish 8 oz

Mod Podge Outdoor waterbase sealer, glue and finish lets you decoupage projects for the outdoors. Seal and protect wood, terra-cotta, slate, tin and more. Dries fast and clear to a satin finish. Cleans up easily with soap and water. Non-toxic and non-flam

Camelot Diamond Dotz . CDD Diamond Dotz Stick Adhesive Bottle 4oz

Diamond Dotz Freestyle Adhesive 4oz
Diamond Dotz Freestyle Adhesive 4oz- Designed specifically for diamond dotting.
Ideal for large areas and free form designs.