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CraftMedley . CMD Zip-Lock Poly Bags - 2in x 3in

Zip-Lock Poly Bags - 2in x 3in - 100 pcs - Airtight, waterproof, and reusable, Zip-Lock Polybags are a necessary crafting essential.
Perfect for storing your beads, sequins, glue sticks, embellishments, and more!

Sculpey/Polyform . SCU Teal Pearl - Sculpey Clay

America's original oven-bake clay! Sculpey is soft and pliable. It works and feels like ceramic clay but will not dry out when exposed to air. Shape, bake, and once cool, it can be sanded, drilled, carved and painted with water-based acrylics or Sculpey b

Common Sense R/C . CSR Polyquest Hyp Adapt Cord

PolyQuest/Hyperion Adapter Cord for 2 Cell Packs - V2